Software Incubation & Innovations Unit

Samuel Mugisha
About the department Software Innovations & Incubations Unit
The Software Incubation and Innovations Unit is the department of the Faculty of Computing and Informatics that is mandated with:
- In-house Software development for the university
- Spurring and steering innovation at the Faculty of Computing and Informatics
- The University Asset Management System
- The University Quality Assurance System
- The University Research Projects Management System
The department is the developer of the University Central Timetabling System and the former Students Academic Records Management System (SARMS). The department is also the initiator and organizer of the annual FCI awards where best student projects are showcased and later incubated to refined products.
Current projects under development include:
The Software Incubation is pleased to e-meet with you here!!
If you are a student, please keep in touch with us at: siiu.must.ac.ug to learn more about our innovation programs.
We believe that innovation is the only way the human race has managed to stay in existence. Have an exciting idea you would like to share?
Contact: samuelmugisha@must.ac.ug
Faculty of Computing
Mbarara University of Science and Technology also known as MUST was opened in October 1989.
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm