The BSc. Software Engineering Degree Programme

Software Engineering is the systematic development and application of techniques which lead to the creation of correct and reliable computer software. To achieve that, you need a wide understanding of the general principles which underpin not only computer software but also computer hardware and computer communications. As our daily lives become more dependent on computer systems, it is vital that such systems are error-free and totally reliable. This reliability is particularly important when computers are used in safety-critical situations such as hospitals, or controlling aircraft or industrial plants

Software Engineering focuses on challenging problems in industry and commerce concerned with software development and reliability. Concern for software reliability, correctness, safety and cost, are the hallmark of Software Engineering. The principles and knowledge of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis are employed by computer software engineers for designing, developing, testing, and evaluating the software and the systems that computers use to carry out various applications.

Software engineers are engaged in analysing user needs and designing, constructing, testing, and maintaining computer applications software or systems. Various kinds of software like software for operating systems and network distribution, and compilers, which convert programs for execution on a computer, are developed by a software engineer. In the programming or coding fields, software engineers give instructions to a computer, line by line; on how on perform a function or operation. These engineers are also geared to tackle technical problems and hitches.

Although these engineers need to possess strong programming skills, they are more occupied with the development of algorithms and in analysing and solving problems in programming than with writing codes. Computer software engineers are usually a part of the team that designs and develops advanced hardware, software, and systems. Thus, until a finished product is developed and released, workers from various branches including those of engineering, marketing, production and design collaborate with each other, of which software engineers are a basic part.

Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status
SWE 1101 Discrete Mathematics 30 30 45 3 Core
SWE 1102 Structured Programming with C 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 1103 Emerging trend in SE 45 45 3 Core
SWE 1104 Software development principles 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 1105 Communication Skills 30 30 45 3 Core
SWE 1106 Fundamentals of software engineering 45 30 60 4 Core
DVS 1106 Introduction to political economy 45 45 3 Core
Total 24
Year 1 semester 2
Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status 
SWE 1201 Object oriented programming 1 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 1202 Data structures and algorithms 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 1203 Operating Systems 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 1204 Software Systems Engineering practice 45 45 3 Core
SWE 1205  Database programming 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 1206 Computer architecture and organization 30 30 45 3 Core
DVS 1203 Political economy of Africa andDevelopment 45 45 3 core
Total 25
Year 2 Semester 1
Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status
SWE 2101 Object Oriented Programming II 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 2102 Requirements engineering 45 45 3 Core
SWE 2103 OOP  analysis and design(UML) 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 2104 Algorithmic problem solving 45 45 3 Core
SWE 2105 Geographic information systems  45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 2106 Cloud computing 45 45 3 Core
SWE 2107 Internet technology and web design 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 2108 Systems Analysis And Design 45 30 60 4 Core
DVS 2105 Political economy of Uganda 45 45 3 Core
Total 28
Year 2 Semester 2
Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status
SWE 2201 Formal specification for software engineering 45 45 3 Core
SWE 2202 Data communication Technology 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 2203 Software Architecture and design 45 45 3 Core
SWE 2204 Software Metrics 45 45 3 Core
SWE 2205 User interface design and development 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 2206 Distributed Processing 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE 2207 Industrial training I 120 60 4 recess
DVS 2201 Citizenry, Professionalism,Globalization and Entrepreneurship 45 45 3 Core
Total 28
  Year 3 Semester 1
Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status
SWE3101 Human computer interaction 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE3102 Software reliability and testing 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE3103 Software project management 45 60 4 Core
SWE3104 Technical documentation for software engineers 45 45 3 Core
SWE3105 Modeling and simulation 45 15 15 60 4 core
SWE3106 Data Mining 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE3107 Mobile networks and Computing 45 30 60 4 Core
Total 27
Year 3 Semester 2
Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status
SWE3201 Embedded systems software 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE3202 Mobile computing and Applications 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE3203 Software Engineering Industrial  MinProject I 120 60 4 Core
SWE3204 Research methods in computing 45 45 3 core
SWE3205 Compiler construction 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE3206 Systems programming-Linux 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE3207 Industrial Training II 120 4 recess
Total 27  
Year 4 Semester 1
Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status
SWE4101 Computer Aided Design 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE4102 Computer Graphics Engineering 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE4103 Formal methods 45 45 3 Core
SWE4104 Software Design Patterns 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE4105 Artificial Intelligence 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE4106 Software Engineering IndustrialMini project II 120 60 4 Core
SWE4107 Client Server Programming forApplications 45 30 60 4 Core
Total 27
Year 4 Semester 2
Code Name of course LH PH TH CH CU Status
SWE4201 Ethical and professional issues inComputing 45 45 3 Core
SWE4202 Software Maintenance andEvolution 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE4203 Entrepreneurship 45 45 3 Core
SWE4204 Software  security 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE4205 Numerical Analysis 45 30 60 4 Core
SWE4206 Final Year Project 120 4 Core
Total 22
Nature of theprogram                 Degree No. of   students      Tuition/year/Stud   (ugsh)                total per year (ugsh)
Day-Private            BSc.SE 50 2,000,000  100,000,000 pa
Functional fees 50 552,000 27,600,000  pa
Identity card 50 33,000 16,500,000  pa
NCHE 50 20,000 1,000,000Pa
Application fees   50 27,500 1,375,000    pa
Total income per year   146,475,000 pa

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